
Hi there! I'm going to show you some visual aids for teaching.

First of all, let me show you my conception map:

The conception map I made helps students to get a systematic overview on nouns as a part of speech. I think, as these part of speech categories are difficult for the first time to understand - even in our mother tongue, and therefore a conceptual diagram could help to organise the knowledge about it, as it depicts the relationship between the concepts.

I think it is a good way to stimulate ideas and creativity and for brain-storming. Furthermore, it enhances metacomprehension as students can suddenly start to learn and think about their existing knowledge.

To be even more meta, ( a mind mapping has been created about mind mapping, which, in my opinion is really funny but at the same time, it helps us to understand what it is.

I created a word cloud as well. Although it is very spectacular, it's use is a bit limited, especially for other subjects besides language learning. But luckily, for us, language learners, it might be useful. The logic behind my word cloud is pretty easy: I chose a workbook called "KONKTAKT 1" by Judit Maros, which is a beginner's book, on the level of A1. These words "belong" to this level.

I can imagine giving a similar task or homework for my students. They have to create a word cloud from the words they had to memorise from last time. It is a good visual aid, which helps them to memorize the new vocabulary. Also, I can imagine this sort of task as a warm-up or as a fun activity for the lesson.



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