
Showing posts from May, 2020


Hi there! I'm going to show you some visual aids for teaching. First of all, let me show you my conception map: The conception map I made helps students to get a systematic overview on nouns as a part of speech. I think, as these part of speech categories are difficult for the first time to understand - even in our mother tongue, and therefore a conceptual diagram could help to organise the knowledge about it, as it depicts the relationship between the concepts. I think it is a good way to stimulate ideas and creativity and for brain-storming. Furthermore, it enhances metacomprehension as students can suddenly start to learn and think about their existing knowledge. To be even more meta, ( a mind mapping has been created about mind mapping, which, in my opinion is really funny but at the same time, it helps us to understand what it is. I created a word clo

Online test with Google Forms

In this entry, I am going to show you how to use Google Forms for creating tests. I think that its a great free tool that allows us to collect information efficiently. As you can see on my example, the form can also be set up as a quiz, so that responses can be graded as we give an answer. It's great because less time can be spent on marking. As an example, I brought a German language test created by myself for my students. It is made as an addition to the digital material I created. (Also, I am thinking about testing my students this way next week, to see what they can remember of a week later.) It's for learners who are at least on an A2 level and who would like to practise grammar. It can be used as a warming up exercise as well as a test at the end of the lesson or when the student gets towards the end of the material provided. Loading…

Digital learning material

Hi there! I created a digital learning material for students of German language. The topic of the material is the German Passive. The material serves as a revision as well as to acquire a completely new material. It starts with somewhat easier tasks and it gets more complicated towards the end. This is a material primarly for such students, who are at least on an A2 level in German who would like to take a final exam or a language exam in German. You can see my narrated ppt if you click here: Before you watch it, there is a kahoot quiz that I created to serve as a jump-start, so you can recollect your former knowledge about the subject. And after you are done with watching the narrated ppt and solving the tasks attached in it, here you can find the answers to them:


In today's post, I'm going to introduce you the webpage called I created a video on youtube, which serves as a tutorial for creating a learning app on this webpage. It is quite simple to add pictures or other kind of multimedial educational materials to each apps. Once we are done with the task created, we can share them with a link or with a QR code.

Introducting Google Jamboard

In this entry, I am going to introduce Google Jamboard, with the focus on its use during language classes. What is Google Jamboard? Jamboard is an interactive whiteboard developed by Google. It has got a 4K touch display you can use for meetings or presentation purposes. If we turn it on, we can draw on it. Users are able to directly access and edit Docs, Sheets, Slides, and photos stored in Drive. It is a free application, where you can browse, view and share Jams created by you and your teammates. In the following illustration, you can see a Jam Sample, where the body parts are written in French. We can use it during foreign language classes for example in this way: or, we can use it for telling a story creatively: (The illustrations are from ) Jamboard is a great way to boost student collaboration. Those students, who have a tablet f.e. can access a suite of rich editing tools to collaborate with

Digital Competence

As all the schools are closed due to the epidemic, I think it is quite relevant to talk about digital competence in general and also in the context of teaching and learning. How do we define digital skills? Digital skills involve the knowledge and ability to determine information needs from digital technology sources, and to appropriately use digital tools and facilities to input, access, organize, integrate and assess digital resources as well as to construct new knowledge, create media expressions and communicate with others. Digital skills include both technical skills associated with understanding and using digital systems, tools, and applications, as well as information processing skills, which are the cognitive underpinnings of digital proficiency. (source: ) Why do digital skills matter? Take a look at David Timis, who explains in a brilliant TED talk, why digital skills are so important in our life. In this bl